Apothecary Jars
I saw some super cute apothecary jars at Micheal's Craft Store a few weeks ago and of course wanted to buy all of them. But I didn't want to pay their prices. So of course the first thought is how can I make this myself? And ding! Spray paint and print some labels off the internet. I just used some old jars that I had laying around the house. One is an oil bottle.
I used a matte black to spray paint them. I did a Pinterest search for Halloween labels and came up with a ton to choose from. Another great place to look is Filkr. My favorite where the potion labels based on the Harry Potter books. I have since seen this idea on Pinterest so I am not the first to think of it. This is my favorite kind of craft; super easy!
I love this! I wish I could see all your cute Halloween decor!